It doesn't take a Holmesian sleuth to recognize signs of a pizza neophyte. The just-from-the-box pristine condition of the pizza stone The amoeba shape The gaping holes in the crust (oh, right, those are covered by toppings) Yes, I'm a pizza first-timer. But can kitchen sleuths tell I'm hooked? Yes, the next pizza is already in my brain (squash, perhaps?) And as it turns out, there's dough in the frig so the next one'll be still easier, after investing, that is, in what I learned is an all-important pizza peel. Once again, I'm indebted to the careful instructor over at StephenCooks , this time for pizza dough . Without this, it'd have been Boboli, baby! (Even then, the Boboli temptation was real. And I'd not hesitate, another time, for time's sake, to use a commercial crust.) Other than the crust, the only thing made specially for tonight's pizza was the deliciously salty and pungent eggplant , a perfect pizza topping and a definite ...