Plastic-Wrapped Acorn Squash in the Microwave
A rose is a rose is a rose ... but NOT when it comes to "commercial" squash, the ones you pop in the microwave for six minutes. What comes out is NOT squash but ... yuck. First let me be clear: what I'm talking about in this post is a 'commercial' squash that's been specially processed for cooking in the microwave. And please, before concluding I have some romantic attachment to "fresh only" vegetables, it's just not true. I support this product on its face. I like the idea that a whole acorn squash can be on the table in about 10 minutes. I like the fact that it's easy to cut the squash in half to serve. I like the fact that it might actually help more people enjoy healthful winter squash. I promote cooking vegetables in the microwave . I don't even mind that the price is 4 times one that requires oven roasting. What I DO object to is the flavor : NONE. Watery. Wimpy. Like, um, water, wimpy flavorless squash. What I DO obj...