
Showing posts from October, 2006

Warm Root Vegetable Salad in Horseradish Vinaigrette ♥

A celebration of fall on a plate, a medley of root vegetables (you know, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and turnips plus more unusual vegetables like celeriac, rutabaga, parsnips and kohlrabi) diced and roasted in the oven, then tossed with a mustard-y vinaigrette with a small spike of horseradish. The combination makes a great base for a supper salad or a even breakfast eggs. Fresh & Seasonal. A Fall Classic. Great for Meal Prep. Scales from Small Plates to Large Platters. Easily Made Vegan. Naturally Gluten Free. Whole30 Friendly.

Something New!

Never miss a recipe! Now A Veggie Venture's vegetable inspiration is just a few quick clicks away ... Convenient delivery right to your e-mail inbox ... just add your e-mail address to the box at the top right (also available for Kitchen Parade ... ) Automatic display on your Google home page or Google Reader ... just scroll down the sidebar to Subscription Tools, click the Google logo (coming soon to Kitchen Parade) Instant notification and viewing via Bloglines, My Yahoo, My AOL or another favorite news reader ... just scroll down the sidebar to Subscription Tools, clickon the orange doo-hickie for all the options (coming soon to Kitchen Parade) Questions about how all this works? Just leave a comment ... ever whether it's okay to comment? It's not just okay, it's appreciated ... learn more here . (c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade

Kitchen Parade Extra: Acorn Squash with Quinoa & Cherries

Do you ever get a good laugh from food follies? Read this week's Kitchen Parade column for my biggest laugh of the year ... plus a great fall vegetable, acorn squash roasted and stuffed with nutty quinoa and dried tart cherries , perfect for a fall supper or even, yes, Thanksgiving ... (c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade

Sauteed Sunchokes with Apple & Pancetta ♥

There are piles of arthritic-looking knobs of sunchokes (also called Jerusalem artichokes) at the farmers market right now. Like mums and falling leaves, they shout 'fall'. So for a simple fall side dish, I paired the thin-cut slices with other fall favorites, apples and pancetta (some times called Italian bacon). Lovely! How do you recognize sunchokes? They look like knobs of ginger, about the same size, too. SUNCHOKE TIPS ... Do sunchokes need to be peeled? No, and a good thing since all the knobs would make that a fussy endeavor. Do sunchokes need to be washed? Yes, carefully, for between the knobs are pockets of collected earth. Just break off the knobs to wash. Must sunchokes be cooked? No, I like them raw, either grated (my favorite way, so far) or in chunks like a carrot. NEXT TIME ... I'll cook the sunchokes for awhile before adding the apples. These were a mite on the 'raw' side while the apples were quite soft. SAUTEED SUNCHOKES with APPLE...

Herbed Potatoes ♥

What a great way to use the last bits of fresh herbs ~ rosemary, sage, thyme , chive and parsley ~ harvested (snipped, in fact) from the garden! This was just delicious! The potatoes were heirloom German Butterballs (the November issue of Food & Wine says, "If you like Yukon Gold potatoes, try German Butterballs. Their luscious yellow flesh and adorable name might make them the next hot potato. Chefs from Rick Bayless to Loretta Kelloer are featuring these little heirlooms, which range from golf ball- to fist-size") from the wonderful St Paul Farmers Market so it's only right that the inspiration came from its recipe section . My new foodie friends tried other varieties, Kate in the Kitchen tried the Rose Finn fingerlings (in soup ) and Laura from My Sister's Kitchen tried the Peruvian Purple Potatoes ( roasted with other root vegetables ). We all loved them! My now-second visit to the St Paul Farmers Market makes me realize how little variety, really, we ...

Readers Make My Day

Every so often, a comment or e-mail arrives from a reader who's been inspired by my food blog A Veggie Venture or my food column, Kitchen Parade . I've started to save these messages. On days when blogging lists toward labor, it's good to be reminded that the effort is appreciated. My heartfelt thanks to all who visit. My special thanks to those who occasionally take time from busy lives to write. It's not expected. But it is appreciated and I thank you! [Ever wondered whether it's okay to comment on food blogs? the short answer is Yes! here's more about commenting ] From Lisa Stone, a BlogHer founder, with the news that the BlogHer Ad Network is identifying "no profanity blogs" ... "And we're very proud to have you -- although your recipes often do make me swear in appreciation (e.g., how the hell does she DO that?)" (7/10/07 via e-mail) From Rita in Brentwood, New Hampshire ... "I came across your blog via Farm Gir...

Kitchen Parade Extra: Balkan Sausage Stew ♥

This week's Kitchen Parade column is an ode to fall food. Color comes late to eastern Missouri: just now the leaves are beginning to turn. So it's time to savor the light, the color, the cool air ... then sit down to a bowl of rustic, rib-sticking Balkan sausage stew . (c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade

Salad with Japanese Turnip ♥

Meet the kabu, aka the "Japanese turnip" and the "salad turnip" and "turnip hakurei", my new favorite vegetable! (Where is the kabu in the photo? It's the clean white batons atop the salad, along with a lovely heirloom apple called a gold rush, worth seeking out from Centennial Farms in Augusta or elsewhere, and candied almonds.) The Japanese turnip is gorgeous! The gleaming white flesh is eaten raw. It is dense but not woody or tough, fresh-tasting with no earthiness or bitterness, not sweet, not tart, a tad fruity ... well, like daikon or jicama but not wet, less fibrous. I'm so glad there were several in a bundle, they'll star in salads like this all this week. COMMUNITY-SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE ... a Good Idea in St. Louis? I found the gorgeous turnips at the new-this-year farmers market in St. Louis' historic Tower Grove Park at the farmstand for Biver Farms (pronounced bee-ver, like the animal) which is the only CSA farm in the ...

Radish D'Avignon Sandwich ♥

The furnace kicked on last week but food-wise, I'm still squeezing out the last tiny bits of summer. Or maybe this is 'bridge' food spanning the seasons: Summer radishes, a French salad radish called Radish D'avigon ... sweet and wonderful ... from Biver Farms Fresh bread, the first of three loaves made over the weekend (are you reading, Paula? that's your onion bread, thanks so much for sending the recipe! I soooo love to hear from fans of A Veggie Venture!) It was stunning in simplicity, simply stunning. FROM THE ARCHIVES ... Do vegetable sandwiches inspire you? Check the archives for sandwich recipes here in the Recipe Box . RADISH D'AVIGNON SANDWICH Good bread, preferably with a kick like this onion bread Spread with unsalted butter Topped with thin slices of fresh radishes Sprinkled with good salt such as fleur de sel or Moulton (c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade

Whole Grain Bread ♥

Okay, fellow bread bakers, I think you'll love this easy loaf of bread, especially its European-style crust and texture. Since 2016, I've made a simplified, flexible adaptation of this recipe several times a month but there's no question, the inspiration started here. ~recipe updated, first published way back in 2006~ ~ more recently updated recipes ~ Back in 2006, First Whole Grain Bread with Beets: World Bread Day is today and I had such high hopes for a beet-stained, crimson-colored bread that would have us all ooo-ing and aah-ing over gorgeous whole-grain goodness. Instead, the loaf turned out a disappointing pink-ish crust with small stains of pink inside. On the plus side, it was dense (which I happen to like) and moist and delicious and yes, packed with whole-grain goodness, not a bad result, mind you! It was a nibble-me bread: a thin slice with butter paired with a salad made for a light but filling supper. Back in 2006, Then Whole Grain Bread With No Beets: ...

Kitchen Parade Extra: Apple Cider Indian Pudding

If you're new to Indian pudding, are you ever in for a treat! If you're familiar with Indian pudding, are YOU even in for a treat! This week's Kitchen Parade column features an Indian pudding sweetened not with molasses ... but apple cider. It's a perfect dessert for chilly fall and winter evenings. (c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade

Braised Cauliflower with Curry & Yogurt ♥

So did you hear that Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen came to visit ? She did! And being Kalyn, she brought presents! First up was Jack Bishop's Vegetables Every Day . I wondered if there could many new vegetable recipes: there are! I've already made three recipes and there are dozens bookmarked for later. It has potential ... truly ... to become my favorite go-to source for reliable vegetable recipes. Kalyn says there's a little patl bird to thank for the tip on the book. Then she brought salt specially harvested from her hometown of Salt Lake. Cool! The simple cauliflower dish is a great example of the Jack Bishop style, one central star, a few accent incredients, simple prep, simple steps. Note that in honor of Kalyn, it includes the Weekend Herb Blogging favorite herb, cilantro . (And the recipe instructions include a quick Do You Really Know Kalyn? test ... do you get an A+ or an F! It's easier than you think, try it!) I'm also hoping it turns out to be South-B...

Food Blogging in the Real World

[are you the photographer of this favorite shot? please let me know, I'd love to give you complete credit] "And when we meet for the first time, we're already friends." And so it's been, meeting food bloggers I've 'come to know' online but only recently met for the first time in person in the real world. It's an amazing experience! Online, food bloggers share a common curiosity about food. But in the real world, food bloggers share a more important dimension: call it "nice". LAST WEEKEND Genie from The Inadvertent Gardener , who's finding her 'Iowa Eyes' between the rows of an urban garden Laura from My Sister's Kitchen and my home state of Minnesota, who's lucky-lucky to blog with her sister Barb from North Carolina Kate from Kate in the Kitchen and Minnesota, who's a culinary grad still exploring and learning THIS WEEKEND, THIS AMAZING WEEKEND The St. Louis food bloggers and some nearby food blog...

Roasted Mystery Vegetable

These are the prettiest globes of life you can imagine, ranging from clear red to a warm orange to a yellow-striped green to solid green. But what are they? I have no idea. They came from the wonderful St Paul Farmers Market where my new pals Kate from Kate in the Kitchen and Laura from My Sister's Kitchen and I bought so many Minnesota-grown fresh vegetables and apples, I lost track!

Kitchen Parade Extra: Swedish Rye Bread

Call me sentimental when it comes to the rhythm of kneading and punching bread dough, the exercise in delayed gratification waiting for hot bread to emerge from the oven. ' Live life a little slowly ', the energy of bread-making seems to say ... But this summer, I borrowed a bread machine to convert the family recipe for Swedish Rye Bread. Twenty-some loaves and plenty of cuss words later, I finally know enough to share the recipe that marries the convenience of a bread maker with the dense hand of a European bread; because some days, hot bread creates the illusion of life in the slow lane ... and it's enough. This is my contribution to the Spice Is Right " Seasons of Love " hosted by the inspiring Danielle at Habeus Brulee. (There's still time to participate and it's a lovely theme, all about family.) This Swedish Rye Bread features fennel (or if you prefer, the also-traditional caraway) further brightened with orange zest. And trust me ... produc...

Spicy Carrot Puree with Harissa

Used a scant quarter teaspoon at a time, the oh-so-spicy-hot harissa comes in a five-ounce can that could serve, should it last so long, as a lifetime supply. Harissa is HOT-HOT-HOT. (What is harissa? It's a spicy pepper paste used in Middle Eastern cuisine.) The first teaspoon or so was used in a rub for four fresh whole snapper, adding both depth and heat. This great carrot puree used another whole quarter teaspoon! The puree makes for a great make-ahead appetizer that travels easily and tastes great with toasted mini pitas sprinkled with an adobo spice mix. It needs to sit for the flavors to meld: I'd recommend 24 hours. [TOASTED MINI PITAS Just slice Trader Joe's mini whole wheat pitas in half, arrange rough-side up on a baking sheet, mist lightly with olive oil, then sprinkle with spices. I've used pimenton, Spike, a Penzeys 'garden salad' blend, Africa adobo, whatever smells good, they're ALL good. Bake until just crisp, about 5 - 10 minutes, at 350...

Broccoli & Tomato Thai Curry ♥

Vegan Done Real ". >> ~recipe & photo updated & reposted 2012~ ~ more recently updated recipes ~ 2006 Original Post: Supper Simplicity. As full of flavor as color, this spare vegetarian supper hit the right light and fresh note after two weeks of holiday indulgence. This is the first time I've used green curry paste. Its heat is familiar, however, reminiscent of Indian and Thai restaurant dishes I've enjoyed over the years. And even though it's hot-hot-hot outside, the heat in the dish actually felt cooling. Is this authentic Thai? I don't know ... unless authentically delicious is the definition. : - )