
Showing posts from January, 2011

How to Roast a Whole Butternut Squash ♥ You Know, WHOLE

The easiest way in the world to roast a butternut squash is whole. No knife, no cutting, no lost fingers. Just roast the whole squash in the oven, it's as simple as that, no need to cut it in half first, no need to prick it with a knife first. So for anyone who's ever wondered about roasting a whole butternut squash? Yes, you sure can. Better yet? It's super easy. Time, temperature and yield included here! A Fall Classic, Whether for Eating or Cooking With Butternut Squash. Great for Meal Prep. Low Fat. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free. Whole30 Friendly.

How to Make Pudding from Tofu:
Tofu Pudding Recipe ♥

Today's easy, flexible, adaptable (yes, and healthy) dessert recipe: Start with tofu, then add fruit and a touch of sweetness. Whiz in the blender. That's it: You've got pudding! Not just vegan, " Vegan Done Real ". Weight Watchers, 1 or 2 Old Points and 2 to 3 PointsPlus. As January draws to a close, the self-imposed privation begins to take its toll: the hunger for something sweet grabs tight and won't let go. Other years, this has meant that I start baking cookies and quick breads again. This year, however, January has been a month of experimentation with what I've come to call 'Tofu Pudding' because of its smooth-smooth texture and the creamy mouth-feel when it's cold. I've been playing around and have four recipes to share. It's got just enough sweetness to satisfy -- and most of the sugar is coming from fruit, so comes from a natural, not a processed, form. So this year, as January nears its end (how CAN that be???), I...

Weight Watchers Fresh Vegetable Soup ♥

Today's new Weight Watchers recipe: The latest vegetable soup recipe, zero points for those who follow the Freestyle program. Unlike the other Weight Watchers soups, this one is made with all fresh vegetables! To my taste, it's best made a day ahead of time, perfect for those of us who meal prep, whose weeks are fueled by a big pot of soup cooked ahead of time. "You sure make the produce department happy." So assessed the checkout person at the grocery store the day after New Years while ringing up my overflowing cart, one vegetable after another. I couldn't help but grin, because yes, I'm on a first-name basis with all the produce people. Sure enough, there were no fewer than a dozen different vegetables, enough unusual vegetables to send the typical checkout person scurrying for the break room. Like millions of others, after the holidays, I was ready to lighten up, ready for the end of rich food, ready to quit the fixation on eating. And like so many wh...

Sweet Potato Soup with Quinoa & Coconut Milk ♥

A hearty vegan soup, one to warm a body from the inside out. It's slightly sweet from the orange tubers we call sweet potatoes, slightly nutty from the grain-like seed called quinoa, slightly spicy from cayenne and chili powder, slightly cool from the coconut milk stirred in near the end. Not just vegan, " Vegan Done Real ". Sweet potato soups can be, well, a little "sweet potato-y", too heavy, too starchy, too dense. So I loved the idea of a recipe for sweet potato soup lightened with the healthy and protein-dense quinoa [pronounced KEEN-wah]. I feared the color and little doubt, the color is akin to what Nana, my grandmother on my mother's side, used to call the "dog's breakfast". But thanks to the cayenne and chili powder, the soup has a welcome kick that's smoothed and cooled by the coconut milk. This soup, it's a winner. COMPLIMENTS! "Just made this tonight, and it's really good!" ~ Anonymous "We al...

Healthy Habits & Win a Kitchen Scale

Happy New Year, vegetable lovers! This year, oops, that would be last year , I turned New Years resolutions into 'healthy habits' adopted way last summer. One is a concept salad, my Quick 'n' Easy Raw Salad . (We just love these concept 'recipes', right? If you like the idea too, grab it and make it your own way!) But first, what is your healthy habit? Or what healthy habit would you like to adopt in 2011? I'm giving away a kitchen scale , register to win at Kitchen Parade, my food column and home to seasonal, easy and healthy recipes made from real food without processed ingredients, where all new recipes include Weight Watchers old points and PointsPlus points, calorie counts and nutrition data. Register to Win a Kitchen Scale !