New Year's Turnip Greens ♥
The last vegetable recipe of 2007: a New Year's traditional food said to ensure 'financial success' in the new year. Fresh greens cooked slowly with onion, ham and seasoning. Happy New Year's to all! So are we ready for New Year's Eve festivities? Champagne, check. Fancy appetizers, check. Check. Check. Check. But come New Year's Day, we need a recipe for black-eyed peas for good fortune and greens for financial success. These greens are really rich. It cooks down to just two cups but I suspect it'll go a long ways -- even though I skipped a whole five tablespoons of fat from this Paula Deen recipe. (I know, what was I thinking ...) HOW to CLEAN & STORE GREENS This technique helps fresh greens 'keep' for at least three days. Soak the greens in cool water in the sink for a few minutes, sloshing them around every once in awhile to loosen dirt. Then rinse the leaves individually under running water, making sure to get water into the crevices. Throw...