
Showing posts from November, 2016

No-Bake Pumpkin Cream Pie ♥

A simple creamy pumpkin pie, part pie, part cheesecake in an easy no-rolling press-in gingersnap crust. Totally simple and pleasing! Does anyone else "count" the weeks? Once upon a time in the paper-based dark ages, I kept track of my life with slim leather calendars that numbered the weeks, Week 1 in January through Week 52 in December. Ever since, I use week numbers to track a now-fourteen-year recipe collection from Kitchen Parade, my online food column, and a twelve-year collection of vegetable recipes here on A Veggie Venture. Week numbers? They mark my March of Time. The point? Somehow – how did this happen? – here it is, Week 47 in 2016. And these last remaining weeks of the year that include Thanksgiving and the rush to Christmas? They flyyyyyyyyyyy by in a blur. Since Father's Day, the March of Time here has been punctuated by #PieDayFriday . At first, seven days between pies felt like, well, a week between pies. Now, with the busy-ness of the holidays fa...

Sweet Potato-Chocolate Swirl Pie ♥

A spectacular sweet potato pie, an earthy mix of roasted sweet potatoes and chocolate. So I've got this little pie thing thing on. It started at Fathers Day five months ago, this idea to make a pie every Friday. Talk about fun! I call it #PieDayFriday and y'know, whether you bake one pie a year or a couple a week, I'd love for you to join in. Consider that a formal invitation, okay?! Every so often, I'll share a pie recipe that totally worked. This sweet potato pie? It totally worked. Truth is, it's my very first sweet potato pie and out of the gate, it's not like me to make anything but a plain, perfect classic. But thank goodness that the combo of earthy sweet potato and chocolate work so beautifully together. I especially love how the chocolate swirl has almost the same texture as the sweet potato filling. It's like a chocolate sweet potato. Yeah. Good stuff. When you make a pie every week, for #PieDayFriday or just because, there's room/time...

Pumpkin Granola ♥

Homemade granola with oats, pumpkin seeds and nuts, lightly sweetened with maple syrup and brown sugar, gently spiced with our favorite fall spices. Vegan, gluten-free and high-protein. So you know that little ditty that goes, "Thirty days has September, April, June and November"? Ha! In food-blog-world, you'd think that November had just one day, the fourth Thursday aka Thanksgiving. So we'd best prepare ourselves for an onslaught of shouting. "Make this! No-no-no! Make this !" I'm not without guilt myself, it's why A Veggie Venture has this amazing collection of Favorite Recipes for Thanksgiving's Favorite Vegetables . So while it's not yet written down, my Thanksgiving menu is pretty much set. Yours too? So let's concentrate on the other 29 days, shall we? Let's start with breakfast. Or an after-school snack. Or a pocketful for an afternoon pick-me-up. This is the granola I've made a dozen times in the last year, even my ...