A Love Letter to Food Blogs This story was originally published in Sauce Magazine in December 2006. Its intent was to introduce my fellow St. Louisans to the worldwide explosion of food blogs and especially to the then-handful of local food blogs. It's no longer on Sauce's website, so I publish much of it here. I attempted to update this page in 2021 but ran out of energy checking the links to see if the sites are still active. For me, the lists of food blogs circa 2007 offers a loving look back at the good ol' days of food blogging, a time when we all knew one another, we all supported one another. It was an amazing time, an amazing community. Today food blogs are big business, earning substantial incomes for a cadre of talented business people, especially women. But who knows? Perhaps someday, historians will look for lists of the earliest food blogs and happen onto this page. Thus I leave even broken links intact, for history's sake. Here's my story from ...