Sweet Potato Recipes – Alphabet of Vegetables (Yam Recipes)

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What Are Golden Kumara? In Australia, sweet potatoes are called "golden kumara" – isn't that just lovely?!What Is the Season for Sweet Potatoes? New sweet potatoes are planted in spring and harvested in autumn. But since they store well in modern refrigeration systems, sweet potatoes are found in grocery stores year-round. In the U.S., sweet potatoes are especially popular at Thanksgiving. While many are fond of a sickly-sweet, marshmallow-topped sweet potato casserole, here at A Veggie Venture, "less sweet" and "savory" casseroles are very popular, see the very lovely and less sweet Sweet Potato Casserole and the marshmallow-free Savory Sweet Potato Casserole.
Are Sweet Potatoes Root Vegetables? Yes. Sweet potatoes are a "root vegetable" – this means that the plant's edible part, the root, develops below ground. (More about Root Vegetables.)
What Are the Most Popular Sweet Potatoes? Only two varieties are widely grown, the Beauregard and the Red Garnet. The Beauregard can be stored for long periods and so is less expensive, usually these are labeled "sweet potatoes". Store Beauregards in a cool, dark place (in my kitchen, that's in a lower cupboard away from the stove) and they'll keep for a couple of days.
Are Red Garnet Sweet Potatoes Good? Even Better? Yes! The Red Garnet is my favorite sweet potato, the flesh is more orange, the flavor more sweet but on the outside, you'll recognize them by their reddish skins. It is also more perishable and thus more expensive. But definitely seek out garnet sweet potatoes, just plan to cook them within a few days.
Are Yams and Sweet Potatoes the Same Thing? It Depends. In the U.S., chances are that what people call "yams" and even what supermarkets label "yams" are really sweet potatoes, especially in the American South. So in that way, yams and sweet potatoes are indeed the same thing, just another vegetable with more than one name. But real yams are an entirely different vegetable, similar but different from sweet potatoes.
Can You Buy Real Yams in the U.S.? Yes! Occasionally, I read that "real yams are not available in the U.S.". That blanket statement is just not true! In my experience, it is true that mainstream supermarkets in the U.S. rarely sell genuine yams but it's untrue that real yams are impossible to find in the United States. Here's how I know: a nearby international grocery right here in St. Louis carries a whole selection of real yams from Africa, a staple food in many African countries. One year I cooked real yams side by side, just for fun, see Food Experiments: Meet the Yam Man. I also see real yams in a nearby large Asian grocery.
Prepare to Explore! But farmers markets, CSAs and specialty produce companies like Frieda's are bringing new sweet potatoes to the market, it will be fun to taste new varieties! Saveur has a great photo gallery of different varieties, you might enjoy Sixteen Shades of Sweet.
Can You Grow Sweet Potatoes in the Garden? In Zone 6, we have little luck growing sweet potatoes for food but do love to the color and drams of sweet potato vines in the garden. Their bright-green leaves are extra showy and drape luxuriously over stone walls. They do better in the ground than in pots, perhaps because the root becomes totally huge (and probably inedible).
Are Sweet Potatoes a Super Food? Yes! Sweet potatoes are nutritional powerhouses. They are high in carbs but the carbs are "lower glycemic". Sweet potatoes are gluten-free, paleo approved, South Beach diet approved (Phase 2), Weight Watchers friendly and Whole30 approved. (Naturally, specific preparations matter to each of these eating regimens.)
Are Sweet Potatoes "Free" for Weight Watchers? It Varies By Plan. When WW adopted its trio of rainbow myWW plans in 2019, for the first time, sweet potatoes became a "zero point" vegetable for those following the "purple plan" though not the green or blue plans. When WW switched to PersonalPoints in 2021, WW members choose their own free foods and may, indeed, choose sweet potatoes. For more information, see Weight Watchers Points for Vegetables (vegetables only) and Weight Watchers Zero Point "Free" Food Lists (all foods).
What Other Ingredients Taste Good with Sweet Potatoes? There are so many natural pairings for sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes pair beautifully with spices like allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, curry; nutmeg, rosemary; flavorings like ginger, lime juice, maple syrup, molasses, orange; other foods like apples, bacon, pecans.
Sources. Personal experience and accumulated learning, also several reference books (all affiliate links, please see My Disclosure Promise). The sources are the most-wonderful On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen by Harold McGee, Vegetable Love by the late Barbara Kafka, The Flavor Bible by Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg.
What's your favorite sweet potato recipe? or what sweet potato recipe did you hope to find here? I'm always looking for new ones, especially healthy sweet potato recipes. Leave me a quick note in the comments! ~Alanna
~ A Few Highlights ~
How to cook sweet potatoes in the microwave
How to bake sweet potatoes in the oven
How to cook sweet potatoes in a slow cooker
How to make a Sweet Potato Casserole (less sweet)
How to make a Savory Sweet Potato Casserole (no marshmallows!)
How to make sweet potato broth
How to make sweet potato chili
How to stir-fry sweet potatoes
Analysis Frozen Sweet Potato Fries: Are They Worth the Price? the Calories?
A Veggie Venture & Kitchen Parade Recipes
My Favorite Sweet Potato Recipes (with photos, all in one place)
Kitchen Parade recipes
Chicken Cider Stew ♥
Rustic Mashed Sweet Potatoes & Carrots ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Baked Sweet Potatoes ♥
Savory Sweet Potato Casserole ♥
Sweet Potato Wedges with Rosemary & Lime Juice ♥
Kitchen Parade recipes
Chicken Cider Stew ♥
Confetti Potato Salad ♥
Roasted Veggie Enchilada Casserole ♥
Rustic Mashed Sweet Potatoes & Carrots ♥
Slow Cooker Sweet Potato (or Pumpkin or Butternut Squash) Grits ♥
Sweet Potato Salad with Roasted Poblano, Roasted Corn & Chipotle ♥
Turkey Sweet Potato Soup ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Baked Sweet Potatoes ♥
Delicious Microwave Sweet Potato ♥
Mashed Butternut Squash & Sweet Potatoes ♥
Savory Stir-Fried Sweet Potatoes ♥
Savory Sweet Potato Casserole ♥
Slow Cooker Sweet Potatoes with Cranberry & Orange ♥
Sweet Potato & Butternut Squash Tagine ♥
Sweet Potato Casserole ♥
Sweet Potato Cornbread ♥
Sweet Potato Curry with Red Lentils, Roasted Peppers & Spinach ♥
Sweet Potato Soup with Quinoa & Coconut Milk ♥
Sweet Potato Wedges with Rosemary & Lime Juice ♥
Vegetable Chili with Sweet Potatoes & Chipotle ♥
Kitchen Parade recipes
Mashed Sweet Potatoes ♥
Rustic Mashed Sweet Potatoes & Carrots ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Mashed Butternut Squash & Sweet Potatoes 30min/90min–ww4–pp6–sp8–fs4–green4–blue4–purple2–carb34 ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Baked Sweet Potatoes 5min/75min–ww1–pp2–sp3–fs3–green3–blue3–purple0–carb19 ♥
Roasted Whole Red Onions with Sweet Potatoes & Rosemary 20min/90min–ww3–pp4–sp7–fs6–green6–blue6–purple1–carb31 ♥
Sweet Potato Wedges with Rosemary & Lime Juice 5min/45min–ww2–pp3–sp5–fs5–green5–blue5–purple2–carb19 ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Frozen Sweet Potato Fries: Are They Worth the Price? the Calories?
Parmesan Sweet Potato Fries with Horseradish Sauce 15min/60min – WW4 – NetCarb18 ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Leek & Root Vegetable Gratin 45min/2hrs – WW2/4 – NetCarb15/22 ♥
Maple Ginger Sweet Potatoes 20min/90min–ww3–pp5–sp8–fs8–green8–blue8–purple4–carb30 ♥
Savory Sweet Potato Casserole 15min/50min–ww2–pp3–sp4–fs4–green4–blue4–purple2–carb21 ♥
BBQ Scalloped Sweet Potatoes 25min/2hrs–ww3–pp4–sp6–fs6–green6–blue6–purple3–carb14 ♥
Sweet Potato & Banana Purée 25min/60min–ww3–pp4–sp6–fs5–green6–blue5–purple2–carb21 ♥
Sweet Potato & Butternut Squash Tagine 30min/90min–ww4–pp7–sp11–fs7–green7–blue7–purple5–carb49 ♥
Sweet Potato Casserole 40min/90min–ww3–pp4–sp6–fs6–green6–blue6–purple4–carb22 ♥
Sweet Potato Puff with Bourbon 15min/1hr–ww3–pp4–sp7–fs6–green7–blue6–purple3–carb19 ♥
Vegetarian Tsimmes 30min/100min–ww2–pp4–sp7–fs6–green6–blue6–purple5–carb32 ♥
Sweet Potatoes for BREAKFAST
No recipes yet, this is my reminder!
Sweet Potatoes in APPETIZERS
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Sweet Potatoes in SALADS
Kitchen Parade recipes
Confetti Potato Salad ♥
Sweet Potato Salad with Roasted Poblano, Roasted Corn & Chipotle ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Simple "Sweet Potato" Potato Salad with Hardly Any Mayonnaise 45min/4hrs–ww2–pp3–sp4–fs4–green4–blue4–purple2–carb18 ♥
Kitchen Parade recipes
Slow Cooker Sweet Potato (or Pumpkin or Butternut Squash) Grits ♥
Tourlou Tourlou (Greek Baked Vegetables) ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Fresh Candied Yams 15min/60min–ww5–pp7–sp10–fs10–green10–blue10–purple7–carb41 ♥
Savory Stir-Fried Sweet Potatoes 15min/35min–ww2–pp3–sp5–fs1–green5–blue5–purple1–carb21 ♥
Slow Cooker Sweet Potatoes with Cranberry & Orange 20min/4hrs–ww3–pp5–sp7–fs8–green8–blue8–purple4–carb36 ♥
Sweet Potato Curry with Red Lentils, Roasted Peppers & Spinach 30min/1hr–ww4–pp5–sp6–fs3–green5–blue3–purple1–carb29 ♥
Sweet Potatoes in SOUP
Kitchen Parade recipes
Turkey Sweet Potato Soup ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Curried Red Lentil Soup 30min/24hrs–ww4–pp5–sp6–fs2–green6–blue3–purple1–carb27 ♥
East African Pea Soup 15min/60min–ww2–pp2–sp4–fs2–green2–blue2–purple1–carb20 ♥
“Soul Food” Sweet Potato Soup with Chicken, Kale & Coconut Milk 35min/2.5hrs–ww2–pp3–sp3–fs4–green5–blue4–purple3–carb9 ♥
Sweet Potato Soup with Quinoa & Coconut Milk20min/60min–ww3–pp5–sp6–fs4–green6–blue4–purple0–carb32 ♥
Vegetable Chili with Sweet Potatoes & Chipotle 40min/24hrs–ww3–pp4–sp5–fs2–green4–blue2–purple0–carb22 ♥
Sweet Potatoes in SANDWICHES, WRAPS & MORE
A Veggie Venture recipes
Veggie Burritos with Cilantro Sauce 30min/30min–ww2–pp4–sp5–fs2–green4–blue2–purple1–carb17 ♥
Sweet Potatoes in MAIN DISHES
Kitchen Parade recipes
Chicken Cider Stew ♥
Lamb with Lemon & Oregano ♥
Mac n Chicken ♥
Roasted Veggie Enchilada Casserole ♥
Slow Cooker Curried Vegetable Stew ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Sweet Potato Curry with Red Lentils, Roasted Peppers & Spinach 30min/1hr–ww4–pp5–sp6–fs3–green5–blue3–purple1–carb29 ♥
Sweet Potato & Butternut Squash Tagine 30min/90min–ww4–pp7–sp11–fs7–green7–blue7–purple5–carb49 ♥
Veggie Burritos with Cilantro Sauce 30min/30min–ww2–pp4–sp5–fs2–green4–blue2–purple1–carb17 ♥
Warm Butternut Squash & Chickpea Salad with Tahini Dressing 40min/90min–ww4–pp6–sp7–fs2–green4–blue2–purple2–carb28 ♥
Warm Sweet Potato Salad 35min/50min – WW5/WW11 – NetCarb19/40 ♥
Warm Root Vegetable Salad in Horseradish Vinaigrette 35min/90min–ww4–pp6–sp9–fs6–green6–blue6–purple4–carb23 ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Savory Muffins with Sweet Potato & Feta 45min/75min–ww3–pp4–sp5–fs5–green5–blue5–purple4–carb13 ♥
Sweet Potato Biscuits 20min/35min–ww4–pp5–sp8–fs8–green8–blue8–purple7–carb25 ♥
Sweet Potato Buttercream Frosting 10min/10min–ww3–pp3–sp6–fs6–green6–blue6–purple5–carb7 ♥
Sweet Potato-Chocolate Swirl Pie 30min/3hrs–ww8–pp9–sp15–fs14–green15–blue14–purple12–carb37 ♥
Sweet Potato Cornbread 25min/60min–ww6–pp7–sp10–fs9–green10–blue9–purple8–carb28 ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
Frozen Sweet Potato Fries: Are They Worth the Price? the Calories?
Trader Joe's Mashed Sweet Potatoes (Product Review) 2min/10min–ww3–pp4–sp6–fs6–green6–blue6–purple1–carb29 ♥
Sweet Potatoes on the GRILL
No recipes yet, this is my reminder!
Sweet Potatoes in the MICROWAVE
A Veggie Venture recipes
Delicious Microwave Sweet Potato 1min/10min–ww1–pp2–sp3–fs3–green3–blue3–purple0–nc19 ♥
Sweet Potatoes in the SLOW COOKER
Kitchen Parade recipes
Slow Cooker Sweet Potato (or Pumpkin or Butternut Squash) Grits ♥
A Veggie Venture recipes
How to Cook Sweet Potatoes in a Slow Cooker 5min/5-10hrs–ww1–pp2–sp3–fs3–green3–blue3–purple0–carb19 ♥
Slow Cooker Sweet Potatoes with Cranberry & Orange 20min/4hrs–ww3–pp5–sp7–fs8–green8–blue8–purple4–carb36 ♥
Vegetable Chili with Sweet Potatoes & Chipotle 40min/24hrs–ww3–pp4–sp5–fs2–green4–blue2–purple0–carb22 ♥
Sweet Potatoes in the STOVETOP SMOKER
No recipes yet, this is my reminder!
What's All That Information?
Each recipe on A Veggie Venture includes timing information plus both nutrition information and Weight Watchers points. On pages like this, I also include summary information so that it's easy for readers to quickly assess a recipe without clicking through.
Let's look at this recipe as an example, How to Microwave Asparagus 5min/10min–ww0–pp1–sp1–fs1–green1–blue1–purple1–carb2 ♥.
TIMING A recipe that says 5min/10min means that it takes about 5 minutes hands-on time to get that recipe to the table in 10 minutes.
WEIGHT WATCHERS POINTS Point information is mostly relevant to those who use Weight Watchers but may be useful for others as well. Points offer a assessment of healthy recipes: the lower the points, the lower the calories, fat, sugar and carbs.
FYI A Veggie Venture and my food column Kitchen Parade are both famous in Weight Watchers circles. On these pages, Weight Watchers vegetable recipes and Weight Watchers recipes, my recipes are even sorted by WW points, making it easy to find coveted low-point recipes.
HEARTS A ♥ means that I love a recipe. During A Veggie Venture's first year, I cooked and shared a new vegetable recipe every day for an entire year. That year produced dozens and dozens of wonderful recipes and even 15 Favorite Vegetable Recipes, Still Useful After 15 Years. But there were some definite duds, too. Over time, I'm either improving the duds to warrant a ♥ or retiring the recipe. But in the mean time, the hearts mean that I'm happy to recommend the recipe, it's worth your time.
How do you save and share favorite recipes? recipes that fit your personal cooking style? a particular recipe your mom or daughter or best friend would just love? If this recipe hits the mark, go ahead, save and share! I'd be honored ...
- THE A-Z COLLECTION Sweet Potato Recipes Soups to salads to suppers and still more, the whole collection. (you're here)
- JUST THE FAVORITES My Favorite Sweet Potato Recipes A shortlist of favorites!
But Wait!
There's an Entire
A-Z of Vegetables!
A Veggie Venture is home of sweet potato lover and
"veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg and the
famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.
© Copyright Kitchen Parade
2005 – 2022
"veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg and the
famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.
© Copyright Kitchen Parade
2005 – 2022
Here is my favorite sweet potato recipe! I so need to make this again.
I love all your recipes here, I think I could eat sweet potatoes nonstop for a month with all these recipes!
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