
Quick Corn Soup with Coconut Milk ♥

Wow, what a soup, just frozen corn and chopped pepper warmed in coconut milk with Thai-style spices reminiscent of the luscious tom kha gai soup, especially when adding cooked chicken. This soup is super-fast to make and super-adaptable. If it sounds like I'm gushing over all this soup, well, I am! It's been in the archives forever but I started making it again last year and can't quit! Real Food, Fast & Flexible. Supper Substantial. Budget Friendly. Little Effort, Big Taste. Easy Weeknight Supper. One-Pot Meal. Great for Meal Prep. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free.

Lentil, Pepper & Spinach Supper ♥ with Crispy Tofu & Indian Spices

The next time you want to "lighten up" calories but "brighten up" flavor? Choose this vegan one-pot skillet supper, easy to make with pantry ingredients, especially since it's so adaptable. The lentils cook quickly atop the stove, great on their own but for an extra boost, top the lentils with tiny cubes of tofu crisp-cooked in Indian spices. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Filling & Satisfying. Great for Meal Prep & Meatless Monday. Very Adaptable. Easy Weeknight Supper. High Protein. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free.

Buffalo Chicken Dip with a Surprise Ingredient: Spaghetti Squash! ♥

Today's easy-easy appetizer recipe: Buffalo chicken bulked up with a surprise ingredient, low-calorie spaghetti squash! Now before you go thinkin' that spaghetti squash is a weird thing to put into everyone's chicken and cream cheese with hot sauce favorite, know this. The spaghetti squash is so mild and soft, it almost "melts" into the dip. If you don't know it's there? You don't know it's there. Real Food, Fast & Casual, Definitely Crowd-Pleasing Party Fare. Just Five Ingredients. Weight Watchers Friendly. Budget Friendly. Low Carb. High Protein. Little Effort, Big Taste. Naturally Gluten Free.

Broccoli Tapenade ♥

A simple broccoli spread, just steamed broccoli and ground almonds bound by a touch of mayonnaise brightened with lemon and spiked with a spoonful of hot sauce. It's spreadable and scoopable, dipable and fillable, a sort of broccoli "salad" akin to meaty "salads" like chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, ham salad, say. It's easy to mix a batch using extra broccoli cooked for dinner. Real Food, Fast & Casual. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Budget Friendly. Little Effort, Big Taste. Great for Meal Prep. Low Carb. Weight Watchers Friendly. Vegetarian & Easily Converted to Vegan. Naturally Gluten Free.

Nutrition GPA All-Day A+ Salad ♥

A big chopped salad, a full five servings of vegetables plus omega-3s and a big 14 grams of protein. It's inspired by the Nutrition GPA app whose daily food "grade" and overall GPA encourages us to make healthy food choices. With this big salad, you'll be well on your way to an A+ day! Real Food, Fresh & Flexible. Supper Substantial. Budget Friendly. Little Effort, Big Taste. Easy Meal Prep. Low Carb. Low Fat. High Protein. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free.

Vegetable Chili with Sweet Potatoes & Chipotle ♥

If you've ever wondered how to turn a meaty chili into something more veggie friendly, start here with a confetti of colorful vegetables and beans warmed with chili spices. It's as pretty as a rainbow and packed with big flavors. Real Food, Fast & Casual. Budget Friendly. Supper Substantial. One-Pot Meal. Great for Meal Prep. How to Feed a Crowd. Low Cal. Naturally Gluten Free. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real .

15 Favorite Vegetable Recipes ♥ Still Useful After 15 Years

A special anniversary collection of vegetable recipes, dedicated especially to the long-time members of this vegetable-loving community. These recipes, just 15 from a field of 365, stand the test of time and earn a place of honor among all the Favorite Vegetable Recipes here on A Veggie Venture for sheer usefulness: that means easy-to-find ingredients, simple preparation, good nutrition and outright deliciousness. Real Food, Fresh & Practical, Fast & Casual. Year-Round Kitchen Staples. Budget Friendly. Many Are Low Carb, Weight Watchers Friendly, Vegetarian or Vegan and Naturally Gluten Free.