Avocado Recipes ♥ Alphabet of Vegetables
This Veggie Evangelist came late to the "Avocado Craze" but is catching up, fast! Here you'll find a whole collection of avocado facts and seasonal avocado recipes, savory to sweet, salads to sides, soups to supper, simple to special. And of course, guacamole recipes too! PS Facebook & Pinterest users, if you like A Veggie Venture, be sure to "like" and "share" and "pin" this page. More and more, search engines and even real-live human beings rely on social media indicators to identify favorite sources of trusted information. Besides, aren't your friends avocado-crazy too?! IN A RUSH? Prefer Another Vegetable? Skip Straight to the Recipes or Switch to the A-Z of Vegetables . Avocado 101: THE BASICS Pronounced [ah-vuh-KAH-doe]. Plural of Avocado. Here's how to remember the plural of avocado, tee hee. "One avocado is good, enough avocados for guacamole is even better." Other Names for Avocado. Also called Avoc...