How to Eat More Vegetables: Tip #13
We all know we should eat more vegetables. But how, how do we do that, really? What real-life tips and ideas work? How can we build our lives around the healthiest of all foods, vegetables? Every Saturday, the 'veggie evangelist' shares practical tips and ideas from her own experience, her readers and other bloggers.
And now for this week's tip:
How to Eat More Vegetables
TIP #13Cook once, eat twice. Once cooked, many vegetables are just as good warmed up the next day. So alternate back and forth, cooking two (or three) meals' worth of vegetables one night, two meals' worth of the main dish the next.
AND YOU? What about you, would this tip work in your life?
TIP #14
Coming next week!
MORE TIPS Watch for a new tip each Saturday. Never miss a one! If you love vegetables, or would like to learn more easy ways to cook vegetables (plus these weekly tips), be sure to sign up for a free e-mail subscription.
ALL THE TIPS SO FAR How to Eat More Vegetables
VEGETABLESPOTTING Recent Vegetable Recipes from Favorite Food Bloggers (updated almost every day)
How To Chime In
Readers & Bloggers, Both: Here's how to participate, I hope you will!Many Thanks
Today's photograph is courtesy of Presley_M on Flickr.Eat more vegetables! A Veggie Venture is the home of 'veggie evangelist' Alanna Kellogg and is the award-winning source of free vegetable recipes, quick, easy, and yes, delicious. Start with the famous Alphabet of Vegetables.
© Copyright Kitchen Parade 2011
© Copyright Kitchen Parade 2011
I not only cook enough veggies for at least two meals, I save and re-use the cooking water and when enough is accumulated, I will use it as stock for another meal.