Kitchen Parade Extra: Weeknight-Easy Rolls ♥
Plus, as much as I love slow bread, the timing is tricky. With all the ease of muffins, today's new recipe in Kitchen Parade is all about quick.
Weeknight-Easy Rolls are made with yeast (for flavor) and baking powder (for instant leavening) and are on the table in 40 minutes flat, I mean, 40 minutes quick.
On your mark, get set, go ... get the recipe!
ONLY 26 MORE PLANNING DAYS TIL THANKSGIVING My kitchen is decidedly busy! You see, I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving -- yes, it's time to start planning our Thanksgiving menus and when it comes to vegetable recipes for Thanksgiving, I hope A Veggie Venture will be your favorite source.
Beginning November 1, watch for new vegetable recipes perfect for Thanksgiving tables, traditional recipes made fresh, ones that can be made in advance, and feed a crowd, and travel easily, and ... and ... yes, perfect for Thanksgiving.
And of course, I'll be counting calories and carbs and Weight Watchers points, just because I do, but there will be plenty of butter and cheese and cream and yes, even sugar! that make Thanksgiving vegetables the stars they are.
Can't wait? Check out last year's collection of Thanksgiving vegetable recipes. Beginning November 1, look for brand-new recipes!
SO WHAT IS KITCHEN PARADE, EXACTLY? Kitchen Parade is the food column that my Mom started writing for our family newspaper when I was a baby. Today it's published in my hometown newspapers in suburban St. Louis and features 'fresh seasonal recipes for every-day healthful eating and occasional indulgences'. Want to know more? Explore, including Kitchen Parade's Recipe Box!
WHY DOESN'T THIS POST ACCEPT COMMENTS? Because I hope that you'll click through to the actual column and comment there!
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A Veggie Venture is home of the Veggie Evangelist Alanna Kellogg and award-winning vegetable inspiration from Asparagus to Zucchini. © Copyright 2007