Kitchen Parade Extra: Butter Tart Bars ♥

And here's the first tray to emerge from my oven, butter tart bars, a bar version of traditional Canadian butter tarts. It's easy to make, perfect for cookie trays ... and utterly delicious. Along with memories of riding the bus to-from my Canadian grandmother's, the recipe is in this week's Kitchen Parade column.
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Looking for other Christmas ideas? Kitchen Parade has lots of holiday inspiration.
If you're thinking about hosting a cookie swap, start here.
If it's snowy and wintry, Kitchen Parade knows just what to cook.
If you're watching Weight Watchers points and calories between holiday parties, Kitchen Parade can help. Counting carbs? Kitchen Parade has low-carb recipes too.
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♥ What's this Kitchen Parade, you ask? It's the published newspaper column that my Mom started when I was a baby and that I've been writing since 2002.
♥ Kitchen Parade is known for great recipes for all courses, with lots of Quick Suppers, family favorites and kitchen tips plus special sections for Weight Watchers and low carb recipes.
♥ If you'd like Kitchen Parade columns and recipes delivered via e-mail straight to your In Box too, just click over to Kitchen Parade, then add your e-mail address to the Never Miss a Recipe box on the right.
♥ Or just check out this week's column here; many archive columns are online too.
(c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade