Readers Make My Day

My heartfelt thanks to all who visit. My special thanks to those who occasionally take time from busy lives to write. It's not expected. But it is appreciated and I thank you!
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From Lisa Stone, a BlogHer founder, with the news that the BlogHer Ad Network is identifying "no profanity blogs" ... "And we're very proud to have you -- although your recipes often do make me swear in appreciation (e.g., how the hell does she DO that?)" (7/10/07 via e-mail)
From Rita in Brentwood, New Hampshire ... "I came across your blog via Farm Girl Fare. Years ago, I tried the WW Fat and Fiber plan, worked great after baby #1. Some where along the line, I have lost my motivation. I am not one for meetings so attending the WW meetings my area are not going to happen. But your site was all the inspiration I needed to get on track, your recipes are great. I have a long way to go, but this did not happen over night. Thanks." (7/2/07 via e-mail)
From Amelia ... "Keep up the great blog and column!!! You are an inspiration." (7/1/07 via e-mail)
From Tricia in Canada Haven't written to you before as I don't get a chance to get on the computer very often but I have to tell you how much I appreciate your recipes. They really are wonderful and I use them all the time. Thank you so much for your effort. (6/24/07 via e-mail)
From Judy in Adelaide, Australia ... "Just a quick hello to say .....THANKS ..... for all the great weight watchers recipes that you post. I am a member of Weight Watchers and am always on the lookout for new recipes so, once again, many thanks," (6/23/07 via e-mail)
From Erika of Tummy Treasure, just after being invited to write a column for her local newspaper ... "Thank you for the kind congrats. When I recieved the editor's e-mail, my first thought was to turn it down, I hardly feel qualified to write "professionally". But then I thought "what would Alanna do? And what would she think if I turned down this opportunity." :-)" (5/24/07 via e-mail)
From Angela from Webster Groves, Missouri ... "This sounds silly to write, and probably astounding to read, but I have to say that you have changed my life!! In a really good way! Thank you!! I am a vegetarian and have been for most of my adult life. My husband and our young toddler are meat eaters. Whereas my husband had been content to eat meatless dinners most nights, we felt it was important when Mario came along to have meat much more often. I had been struggling to find meat recipes that would please both of them, with minimal luck, and then along comes Chicken Sybil. I have to tell you that both of them love it! I have prepared it at least once a week since it was featured in the Webster-Kirkwood Times, and each time they both clean their plates! I have varied it using the various optional ingredients that you suggested, and every time it has been a success. I have branched out as well with my own variations ... and feel so confident now in being able to prepare a delicious, quick, and healthy chicken dinner that has limitless possibilities. Thank you so so much for this."(3/23/07 via e-mail)
From Anonymous ... "I want to thank you for the wonderful website! I have already made 2 batches of the Weight Watcher's Garden Veggie Soup and 1 batch of the Chicken Cider Stew. Both were wonderful! ... My cousin loved it and begged for the recipe. I also appreciate that you note if something freezes or reheats well. ... Your site is helping me go from a meat and starch gal to a veggie gal. And I'm taking my friends and family with me!" (3/21/07 via comment)
From Freddie's Mum in the UK ... "Freddie wants you to see what a success your colcannon recipe was." [Freddie's happy!] (3/19/07 via e-mail)
From Peter from Perth, Australia ... "It is a pleasure to browse."(3/12/07 via e-mail)
From Didi ... "I'm an addict to these pages and recipes :-D Thank you again for wonderful recipe! Delicious!"(3/9/07 via comment)
From Deby in California ... "I LOVE your site! I am a veggie lover by nature and happened on your site while looking for a recipe for beets other than the same ole same ole boil in water--you get the picture! I tried yours for the golden beets (although I only had the customary red ones) and it was YUM O!"(2/10/07 via e-mail)
From Sandy ... "Yesterday, my email provider switched to a new company. My email address is now I don't want to miss any of your emails...thanks for updating your database."(2/5/07 via e-mail)
From Sally from Iowa ... "I do love reading your blog and have it on my RSS feed (so I read it every day!)." (2/2/07 via e-mail)
From Lisa from Pensacola ... "Just came across your blog via Sweetnicks ... When I am playing on the internet and come across someone from St. Louis I always let out a little "awwwww". How I miss St. Louis. Then I clicked on your Hometown Newspaper and saw the Webster Kirkwood Times [where Kitchen Parade is published in print]...."AWWWWW"....I grew up in Kirkwood (17years) and University City (8 years).My family still lives in Kirkwood and I go back at least twice a year. Just wanted to drop a line and say Hi and I am enjoying your blog!" (1/25/07 via e-mail)
From Kim ... "I love your site and your cooking; my husband can't stop eating your Heart-Hearty Muffins!" (1/24/07 via e-mail)
From Sharon ... "Thanks to [a friend] for giving me your blog. I can't seem to pull myself away, it's everything that I love." (1/19/07 via e-mail)
From G in India ... "Alanna, you lifesaver! Each day of this winter we have used your wonderful recipe to make a new soup (it's peak veggie season in India). I think we have already made all the hot soups that you have posted! Btw, my mom is an avid reader now.....maybe she will de-lurk one day and leave u a comment!"(1/15/07 via comments)
From Connie ... "Félicitations chère Alanna! ... you should behold what you have wrought,'Himself' has taken over my tiny kitchen! I have discovered a whole other side of his personality, a calm, careful and meticulous guy who loves to play with food, your site is on the kitchen PC whenever he is in cooking mode, he loves the clarity and orderliness and generosity of your directives and the results always please us. Thank you so much for this! Who knew food and the respect of food & its proper preparation could have such a powerful influence on one's character? 'Himself' talks about it as his therapy, his escape from the pressures of work, the change is remarkable!" (12/5/06 via comments)
From Pam, a former St. Louisan ... "I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying A Veggie Venture. I found it over the weekend when I was looking for healthy pizza recipes. ... Anyway, since I am originally from St. Louis ... I also enjoy reading about the St. Louis stuff! " (11/28/06 via e-mail)
From Ingrid from Winnipeg, Manitoba ... "I'm just thrilled to be getting your column. Another reason to look forward to Friday! It's wonderful that the recipes have the Weight Watchers points." (11/6/06 via e-mail)
From Ellen from Rock Hill, Missouri ... "Thank you for your weekly column! I am a foodie and so appreciate being able to find tasty and relatively easy recipes in my Webster Kirkwood Times. I also have to tell you how much it means that you include the Weight Watchers Points in the nutritional info. That you include any nutritional info at all is great, but taking it the extra step to include the points makes it even easier for people like me to keep track." (10/30/06 via e-mail)
From Kate ... "I got to your blog while searching for new things to do with veg. Now I've bookmarked it! You seem to have so many new and unique ideas for veggies." (10/24/06 via e-mail)
From MomJamin ... "... I tried your description of roasting. Dear Husband, who admits to not being a cauliflower fan, likes this and has even bought more cauliflower on one of his rare shopping trips, for me to roast. As he encouraged our veggie-phobic 4-year-old, "I don't like cauliflower either, but it tastes like popcorn." (10/18/06 on A Veggie Venture's very first post ... roasted cauliflower)
From Sharon from New England ... "I found your Veggie Venture blog through some forgotten surfing route, but now I have it bookmarked and have tried several recipes with happy results. Thanks for putting your efforts out there to share with the world!" (10/16/06 via e-mail, with a request for tips for green tomatoes)
From Paula from Long Island, New York ... "hi! i'm not a blogger, just an avid cook who stumbled upon the wonderful community of food bloggers 2 yrs. ago after we got our first computer ever (i'm 64!!!). i'm a retired teacher who has lived in a wonderful world of food all her life (born in brooklyn, raised in queens and live on long island)...i can't tell you how much i enjoy your blog, especially since i'm a life-time weight watcher who is still trying to shed those last 3 lbs. this time around... ... i really envy all of the talent with computer expertise, food styling, photography, and culinary skills that i am enjoying each day...thanks for making our world a better place! (9/26/06 via e-mail ... Paula also shared her recipe for 'yummy squash casserole' which I can't wait to try!)
From Janel ... "Great blog! I just wanted to tell you that I think your blog is wonderful. I can't wait to explore it some more! You see, I just found it this morning by following a link from Elise's blog which is on my Google Home Page. I returned home from the Farmer's Market with an armload of loot, like Fingerling Banana Potatoes and Honeycrisp Apples. It was some kind of Divine Intervention that I happened across your blog within minutes of turning my computer on. I had seen quite a few other veggies that I wasn't sure what to do with, so you are very inspiring. Also, I'm on a diet right now and the calorie counts are very helpful. So, just keep up the good work!" (9/23/06 via e-mail) UPDATE: Thanks for working so hard on your blogs. I turn to them often for recipes. My husband has lost 20 lbs. over the last few months just because I have started cooking healthy dinners every night. I have also lost over 40 lbs. with diet and exercise over the last 6 months. It has truly been a lifestyle change that I'm determined to maintain. (11/13/06 via e-mail)
From Becky ... "Alanna, it's not just that you're a wonderful cook and teacher -- you're a wonderful writer. I hope you find time in your life to bless us with more insightful words that all can relate to. Beautiful! Thank you!" (9/15/06 from And the River Was Like Glass, a 9/11 remembrance)
From Connie ... " ... I am no domestic diva but lately because of all these wonderful blogs (the Veggie Adventure being my favorite of course ;) ) I find myself getting into feeding us better." (8/29/06 via a comment on slow-roasted tomato soup)
From Connie ... "Dear Alanna, I read you faithfully and I must say I have learned a great deal from you, you are a wonderful teacher (no need for false modesty here, you truly are). ... you really have encouraged me to go to the market to buy proper food which makes Hubby very happy. Slowly but surely my table is changing. We are eating way better than we used to and to our amazement with way less effort and cost than we ever imagined. I feel it is mostly due to good food bloggers who, like you, really take the time to go through a recipe carefully for their readers, that people like me will become better consumers and therefore more healthy as a result. Again many thanks and here's to the pleasure of reading you at Veggie Venture!" (8/18/06 via e-mail)
From Gloria from St. Augustine, Florida ... I discovered your website late last night and wound up staying up until after midnight! I am so inspired by your recipes and your dedication to fresh, seasonable fruits and vegetables and locally grown produce. I just began Weight Watchers yesterday, too, so I was particularly delighted to see that you feature many recipes that will fit nicely into the program. I've done the program before but I fixed the same things over and over and didn't get much pleasure out of the actual cooking. I can see now that this can be a very different process and I am looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead. I love your writing, too -- it makes me feel as though you're my neighbor, which I guess is the whole idea. I plan to get over to our local farmer's market this week. You are one talented, hard-working lady -- thank you very much for your site, and for the inspiration to have fun cooking, and cook healthfully. (8/14/06 via e-mail)
From Anonymous ... "My grandmother who is 98 yrs old and still makes a small breakfast for herself now and then is an avid reader of the food blogs, when she came across yours and the coleslaw recipe she marveled at the fact that some of your readers had never heard of boiled dressing. ... We both enjoy your blog and the care you take with your recipes & comments. Thank you!" (8/3/06 on classic coleslaw with boiled dressing)
From Rita from Kirkwood, Missouri ... who was inspired by a Kitchen Parade recipe for buttered pecan ice cream to fondly remember making ice cream with her family on hot summer Saturday nights in Webster Groves during World War II, especially the night when her mother accidentally made Swiss chocolate ice cream!( 7/2/06 via mail)
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But if you're inspired to comment on another post or to send an e-mail ...
well, now you know it's both welcome and appreciated!
(c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade