Recipe for Roasted Kohlrabi ♥
Today's easy kohlrabi recipe: How to roast kohlrabi, a simple way to cook kohlrabi, just cubed and oven-roasted. Low carb. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free. Whole30 Friendly. And delicious! Easy. Simple. Healthful. And tastes good! In short, Roasted Kohlrabi is a win-win-win recipe. Raw Kohlrabi: Like Apples! Until now, I've only eaten kohlrabi raw, almost like apples except peeled and sliced. Raw kohlrabi is so full of flavor, moisture and most importantly for pre- and post-supper munchies, crunch. Ha! Isn't it funny that my favorite way to eat kohlrabi is paired with apples! You'll love Kohlrabi & Apple Slaw with Creamy Coleslaw Dressing ! First Time to Try Cooking Kohlrabi So this is the first time I cooked kohlrabi, except for tucking some into this Warm Root Salad with Horseradish Vinaigrette where the kohlrabi flavor was mish-mashed with the other root vegetables. And drum roll ... Roasted Kohlrabi sta...