
How to Cook Artichokes in the Microwave ♥

How to cook whole artichokes in the microwave. How to prep the fresh artichokes for cooking, what kind of a cooking pan to use, how long to cook them. Dead Easy. Dead Fast. Dead Delicious. Real Food, Fresh & Fast. A Spring Classic. Weeknight Easy, Weekend Special. Dinner for One or Two. Low Carb. Low Fat. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free. Whole30 Friendly.

This Recipe Has Moved ♥ Honey-Sweet Cornbread (aka Sweet Cornbread)

A classic simple cornbread sweetened with honey or the Midwestern favorite, sorghum. Sweet but not too sweet. Rich but not too rich. Ever so tender. Absolutely delicious! Bake it in the traditional round shape in a cast iron skillet or for great sliced cornbread, a loaf pan. But the recipe has moved to a new location, please see Honey-Sweet Cornbread at Kitchen Parade, my food column. Looking for healthy new ways to cook vegetables? A Veggie Venture is home to hundreds of super-organized quick, easy and healthful vegetable recipes and the famous Asparagus-to-Zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables . Join " veggie evangelist " Alanna Kellogg to explore the exciting world of common and not-so-common vegetables where recipes range from seasonal to staples, savory to sweet, salads to sides, soups to supper, simple to special. © Copyright Kitchen Parade VV 2008, 2011, 2015, 2018 (repub) & 2024 (retire) KP 2024

Weight Watchers Asian Zero Points Soup Recipe ♥

Today's Weight Watchers recipe: One of three new zero-point soup recipes from Weight Watchers. Asian-inspired ingredients: bok choy, Chinese cabbage, fresh ginger, bean sprouts, snow peas. Weight Watchers 0 points. When Weight Watchers UK introduced brand-new zero-point soup recipes, I couldn't wait to try all three. First I tested the ' Mexican-inspired' zero-point soup and now today, the Asian-inspired zero-point soup recipe. (What's left to try? The Italian-inspired soup!) How do these two new soup recipes compare to Weight Watchers' original zero-points Garden Vegetable Soup ? All three are alike in these ways: all have (1) lots of low-calorie vegetables, (2) no-calorie broths and (3) lots of flavor. To my taste, the Garden Vegetable Soup and the Mexican-inspired soup are more substantial tasting than the Asian-inspired soup. But that's okay, for that makes the Asian soup an especially good choice for days -- after an indulgent weekend, say -- when we

Asparagus Noodles ♥

Today's vegetable recipe: Thin strips of asparagus stems, gently sautéed. Quick. Low carb. Weight Watchers 1 point. The local asparagus won't arrive for a couple of weeks but there's no avoiding the temptation of the first asparagus from the supermarket. These quick-cooked asparagus 'noodles' were absolutely delicious. I used a vegetable peeler to 'noodle-ize' fat spears of asparagus, then cooked them in nothing more than butter -- a splash of lemon juice might be nice too. SO simple. SO good. VEGETABLE RECIPES from the ARCHIVES ~ more ways to cook asparagus ~ ASPARAGUS NOODLES Hands-on time: Maybe 10 minutes Time to table: Maybe 15 minutes Serves 4 1 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus (fat spears are best) 1 tablespoon butter Splash of lemon juice (if you like) Salt & pepper to taste Snap woody ends off asparagus and discard. Slice off the tips and if you like, save for something else. With a vegetable peeler, slice lengthwise along each spear, creating a '

Free Icons for Bloggers: Let's Celebrate Fresh & Local Produce!

Finally! The advent of spring may mean cherry blossoms in Washington but for vegetable lovers, it's the return of fresh, local produce that stirs our spoons. So I commissioned some icons to help myself -- and my fellow bloggers -- showcase fresh vegetables and fruits whether from farmers markets, a CSA, a you-pick farm, even our own gardens. (Sound familiar? Who remembers Blush the Sweet Tomato ?) So yes, fellow bloggers, you are invited to use these icons in your own blogs in posts and places that feature fresh and local produce. Together, let's help spread the word about the many sources of fresh and healthful produce. Each icon comes in 400px, 125px and 100px sizes. You're free to use one or more of the icons as you see fit: in posts; in sidebars; to link to a list of your own favorite farmers markets; to link to Local Harvest or your own CSA -- anything creative you come up with that's related to fresh, local produce. Use them once, use them a h

Roasted Zucchini with Orange & Lemon ♥

Today's vegetable recipe: Easy roasted zucchini recipe. Tossed with citrus zest and juice. Low carb. Weight Watchers 1 point. Spring is upon us: any day now, really truly positively. Already my seasonal sensibility for vegetables and other foods is doffing the winter, donning the spring. This easy zucchini hit just the right spot on a cusp-ish day, spring-ish in the morning, wintry-ish in the afternoon. Laffodil-daffodils, where are you?! NEXT TIME I will try-try-try to remember to line the baking sheet with foil! THE QUESTION IS Will Freddie and Alex like the zucchini? Their Mum, my pal Charlotte, is collecting "S is for summer squash" recipes this week. Big news! Their own veggie venture will soon be a book. "The Great Big Veg Challenge" -- how to get your children eating vegetables happily -- will be published in July. Congratulations to my vegetable-curious friends all the way in England! I couldn't be prouder! THE ANSWER IS Apparently Freddie likes it

Stuffed Artichokes ♥ Recipe

Today's recipe: Fresh artichokes stuffed with a simple bread-crumb mixture, then baked. Until now, anyone searching A Veggie Venture for artichoke recipes might well come away disappointed. In three years, I've collected only four recipes -- not one calling for fresh artichokes. Nil. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I just didn't 'get' artichokes. They were eeeh, okay, hardly worth the fuss. "Here, just eat the heart," I heard time after time. Eh. I did buy artichokes, half-writing posts in my head right there in the produce department. Two years in a row, their spiked leaves dried to nothing in the fridge. This year, they languished a good week before I forced myself to do something -- anything -- with them. Suddenly, one warmish spring evening, I was inspired to pull out the weapons that anyone veggie averse should have at hand, bacon and cheese . And oh glory, I get it, I finally get it. And yes, artichokes are a tad fussy (especially stuffed) but way easier to tr