
Day 240: Pumpkin Corn Bread ♥

Today's recipe: A moist-crumbed, pumpkin-colored quick bread, not exactly 'cornbread' even though it does contain cornmeal. ~recipe & photo updated 2009 & 2011~ ~ more recently updated recipes ~ 2005 ORIGINAL POST The Thanksgiving leftovers are nearing an end, at least those not tucked into freezer bags and casseroles for later. I used 'pumpkin' from a leftover gratin made from canned pumpkin, bacon, onion and Parmesan cheese. The cornbread came out of the oven moist -- and stayed that way -- with an interesting savory-sweet-nutmeg flavor. 2009 UPDATE This is a great recipe for using up a cup of leftover pumpkin purée, adding moisture and a touch of color. The result isn't as 'cornbready' as my very favorite Skillet Cornbread , a long-time favorite published in my food column Kitchen Parade. But it's a lovely nice change of pace, slightly sweet but not anything as sweet as a cupcake, say, or even a sweet morning muffin. It would make a g

Day 239: Low-Carb Supper Skillet ♥

Low-carb? With pasta? Keep reading! For a few weeks now, I've been paying attention to carbs. Mind you, I'm no expert on either Atkins or South Beach although I do religiously count Weight Watchers calorie-fiber-fat points. But as summer's standbys (tomatoes, cucumber) turned to fall's fare (sweet potatoes, squash, potatoes), the carb counts in the nutrition estimates here on A Veggie Venture began to noticeably add up. With much coaching from Kalyn's Kitchen who has 41 great reasons to follow the South Beach concept, A Veggie Venture is now officially counting carbs. Recipes now include a NET CARB count -- that's total carbs minus fiber, a rough indicator of digestible carbs I've scoured 238 days of vegetable cooking for low-carb recipes -- that is, fewer than 10 grams of net carbs These low-carb vegetable recipes are collected here in the Recipe Box (along with the long-standing Weight Watchers section) As for tonight's Supper Skillet

Day 238: Turkey & Turnip Soup ♥

This Thanksgiving, I may be the happiest person who didn't cook a turkey. That's because the turkey carcass came home with me -- and after four hours simmering happily away with carrots, celery and onion, it yielded 10 cups of creamy turkey stock and nearly 8 cups of meat. Tonight's soup is the result of hours in the kitchen, yet took only five minutes to make. THAT is the glory of turkey. For the record, this is A Veggie Venture's official entry in Lovely Leftovers Day over at SlashFood . Still using up your leftover turkey? Think about a pot of Saturday Soup or these Veggie Quesadillas . TURKEY & TURNIP SOUP Hands-on time: 5 minutes Time to table: 5 minutes Leftover mashed turnip & potato Turkey stock Leftover turkey meat Spinach Dab of cranberry chutney Mix all ingredients in a saucepan -- but only enough for one meal for there's no having leftover leftovers!

Day 237: Marinated Vegetable Salad ♥

Today's oh-so-retro recipe: A can of corn, a can of peas, a few chopped vegetables plus oil and vinegar and – horrors! – sugar. And yet? This salad works in an old-fashioned retro way. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real . Naturally Gluten Free. And just slightly pickle-y ... and addictive. Oh people, much to even my surprise, this easy make-ahead refrigerator salad was a true hit at a casual supper tonight. Even a two-year old thought it was yummy, eating the peas with his fingers, one at a time. Oh, pudgy two-year old fingers, aren't they just too wonderful? This is an old-old recipe and yes, if you look closely, it uses, errr, dare I say? canned corn and canned peas. The note on my 3x5 recipe card is dated 1986 and reads, "too much oil". Ha! Even way back then I was "Alanna-sizing" recipes. So this time, I dramatically: Increased the crunch factor with extra celery and carrot Reduced the sugar by a quarter (by half was too

Veggies for Kids: One Very Sneaky Mom

That Sweetnicks ! Twice this week, she's sneaked vegetables into Little Nick's tummy. And not just any vegetables -- green vegetables ! Sunday it was the broccoli rabe and sausage pasta dish that's pictured. Then Thursday (Thanksgiving no less), it was a broccoli and cranberry salad that this grown-up intends to try soon. Very impressive! If there are other similarly sneaky Moms, just let me know and I'll be happy to share your success with others! VEGGIES for KIDS is a continuing crusade here at A Veggie Venture, a forum for parents wanting to encourage healthful eating habits at home and school. What works for you? What would you like to fix at your own table?

Kitchen Parade Extra: Sweet 'n' Hot Chicken ◄

Every good recipe collection needs one-pot suppers like this Sweet 'n' Hot Chicken that tastes so great PLUS is so easy on the clock, the waistline and the family budget. It's featured in this week's Kitchen Parade column .